C&VG News article from Feb 1985 edition
Did you ever lose something only to stumble across it again after many many years ? Well that happened to me this week.
Around 10 years ago, I mislaid what was an important item in my midnight collection - a copy of the Computer & Video Games magazine from 1985 which had in it a news item about Doomdark's Revenge.
The images in that news item were the gateway to the icemark for me, they weren't the traditional loading screenshot that you see in many articles about DDR, they were different scenes taken during the day and night unusually, and fired up the expanse of the icemark in my imagination.
I kept a very close eye on the magazine for many years, but then when I pulled it down from the loft one day, after a few weeks it went missing, probably thrown out with the trash as the cover had become detached 
With todays internet archives, I have many times scanned back for the magazine and article which for some reason I remembered being in a xmas issue of a crash magazine. But of course I could never find such article as it was in C&VG! I don't know why, but this week it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps it wasn't in the Crash collection after all. C&VG came to my mind as the next possible contender. And lo and behold, after about 10 mins searching, there it was in the Feb 1985 issue on P.17, and although I struggled to remember the exact format and content of the article, I knew immediately once I saw those pictures that it was the one.
So one of those lost items is now resolved in my mind...